Discovering a world of possibilities, together.
Anything is possible to those who believe. Mark 9:23

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Welcome to
Roxwell Primary School
Welcome to Roxwell C of E Primary School. We hope you enjoy exploring our website. As we are a small village school it allows us to spend lots of time with the children and get to know them and their families very well. We believe these close relationships help us to support all the children and by putting in place a variety of interventions and challenges we ensure our children succeed.
We are a Church of England School and so our values and vision are important to us. The values are talked about in class and assemblies and the children and staff know them well. We are working hard in the community and are dedicated to introducing projects that will support our local church and our local environment. Please follow us on Twitter to see our weekly updates.
We are also proud to be part of the LIFE Education Trust who strive to build great learning communities which unleash creativity and champion optimism, in a spirit of compassion.
We are very fortunate to work with these wonderful children and if you would also like to join our school family, please contact the office as we would be delighted to meet you and show you our wonderful school.


Our last inspection says…
We are a Good School!
The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. You have motivated your team and continued to drive improvement in each aspect of the school’s work. And as a result of your highly principled approach, you have the trust and support of parents, carers and staff.