Home E Admissions

To find out everything you need to know about our school, you can view our school brochure.

Admission Arrangements

Information about admission for EYFS is set out on the ECC website. This will tell you all you need to know about Admissions. All children in Reception are admitted during the Autumn (September) Term, as this gives all children a full three years of infant education.


Essex County Council oversee all decisions on school admissions for EYFS. They request that you complete an on-line application at the appropriate time and within the time frame given. This is also available on the link above.

Prospective Parent Tours

These are for prospective new parents to visit our school during the school day as they consider their primary school options. Tours last for approximately 20 minutes and, where possible are conducted by the Headteacher. Time is allocated at the end of each tour for any general questions. We will also provide the opportunity for prospective parents to meet privately if they have any specific questions or more sensitive questions regarding their child.

Mid-Year Applications

Please note that there will be a variation to our determined admissions policy from 1st April 2022.

All mid-year applications after 1st April 2022 must be made directly to the school. If there are spaces in the year group an offer will be made. For more information please email